Anna Kent – Frontline Midwife

Dorset Museum High West Street, Dorchester

Anna Kent has delivered babies in war zones, caring for the most vulnerable women in the most vulnerable places in the world. At twenty-six years old, not yet a fully-trained midwife, she delivered a baby in a tropical storm by the light of a headtorch; the following year, she would be responsible for the female ... Anna Kent – Frontline Midwife

£6 – £12

Joanna Quinn – The Whalebone Theatre

Dorset Museum High West Street, Dorchester

A ravishing coming-of-age story set in the shadow of an oncoming war, The Whalebone Theatre fizzes with invention and compassion as an 'unmarriageable' girl elects to defy convention and find her own path through life.“Maudie, why are all the best characters men?”Maudie closes the book with a clllump. “We haven’t read all the books yet, Miss Cristabel. ... Joanna Quinn – The Whalebone Theatre

£12.006 – £12.0012

Her Honour Wendy Joseph KC – Unlawful Killings

Dorset Museum High West Street, Dorchester

Detailing six high profile murder and manslaughter cases over which they have presided, an Old Bailey judge reveals the inner workings of a crown court and how we should all be invested in the judicial process that transforms so many ordinary lives.Every day in the UK lives are suddenly, brutally, wickedly taken away. Victims are ... Her Honour Wendy Joseph KC – Unlawful Killings

£12.006 – £12.0012

Peter Hart – Footsloggers

Dorset Museum High West Street, Dorchester

The Ben Shephard Memorial LectureAn Infantry Battalion at War, 1939The only way to truly understand what it was like to fight in the Second World War is to listen to the experiences of those men who were there. And often, there was nowhere more dangerous than on the ground.In Footsloggers, Peter Hart reconstructs one infantry ... Peter Hart – Footsloggers

£6 – £12